RedLight’s Summer Internship 2024

Joao Silva
RedLight Blog
Published in
6 min readMar 4, 2024


Hey Rockstar 👋

If you clicked this link, it is evident that your curiosity has been piqued by Redlight and this year’s upcoming Summer Internship. We are delighted to know that you share our enthusiasm! It is precisely this proactive attitude and eagerness to acquire knowledge that we are seeking for this new edition of RedLight’s Summer Internships.

We will be following a similar structure as in previous years. You will be placed within a team of talented designers and developers, working together on an actual project and experiencing the various stages of product development. Over a period of 2 months you will be surrounded by a great team who will always be available to help you, participate in lots of workshops and have a ton of fun activities (Did anyone say party? 🥃).

While the program will be carried out in person at RedLight’s offices, we are open to a hybrid model. However, we strongly encourage you to be closer to us, as it would make the whole experience more rewarding and fulfilling. In the next sections we will describe the internship in more detail.

How is the internship organized? 👀

You will be joining a small team of interns, encompassing both designers and developers. We will try to strike a good balance in the distribution of developers and designers, so that the development process can be as smooth as possible. As for the project you will be developing, we don’t want to spoil the surprise yet! 🤭

As previously mentioned, we intend to provide an experience akin to a real-life project. During this internship you will perform a set of interesting and important tasks like:

  • Ideate and prototype an idea;
  • Define requirements for the project;
  • Design high and low fidelity mockups;
  • Perform user testing and research;
  • Implement your idea;
  • Review code, do quality assurance and test the product;
  • Launch!

This is the planned Internship Roadmap:

Kick-off 🚀

In the first few days we want to make you comfortable in our family. You will be given the opportunity to explore the office and meet every rockstar you will be working with for the next two months. This initial period will be packed with workshops and great fun activities to facilitate your integration into the team and learn the different tools you will use during the internship.

Product Design Sprint

The design sprint process is essential to decide how the product you will be building will take shape. It covers topics like ideation, design, prototyping and user testing. One of our team members will guide you through this process, ensuring that your project idea is developed as much as possible.

Requirements specification 🗂

Requirements are an indispensable aspect of product development, as they enable the transformation of a concept into meaningful objectives and manageable steps. By undertaking this process, you will gain a deeper understanding of the project at hand and be able to define its scope with a lot of precision.

Development 👩‍💻

Now comes the exciting part! Once the project is defined and requirements are specified the team’s designers can start designing mockups that will embellish and complement the idea at hand. Simultaneously, developers will bring these mockups to life through weeks of hard work (and fun).

Final presentation 🏆

At the end of the internship, the team will present the progress made during the two months of the internship to the entire RedLight crew and the rest of the Nest Collective community. This presentation will be followed by a small party to celebrate your work.

Roles 🛠

In this edition of the internship program, we aim to inject some excitement by introducing two new integral roles alongside the usual designers and developers: a data scientist and a project manager. These additions are not yet confirmed, as we must ensure that the selected candidates can contribute meaningfully to our established workflow.

By the end of the internship, members from each role should have developed several useful skills:

Developer 💻

  • Master programming languages & technologies
  • Learn code review & quality assurance processes
  • Understand agile methodologies
  • Enhance interdisciplinary collaboration skills
  • Gain experience in project requirement definition

Designer 🎨

  • Learn ideation & prototyping techniques
  • Develop skills in high & low fidelity mockup design
  • Gain experience in user testing & research methods
  • Understand the design sprint process
  • Collaborate effectively with developers
  • Gain basic understanding of frontend development

Data Scientist 📊

  • Master data analysis techniques
  • Develop skills in creating visually appealing data visualizations
  • Gain proficiency in Python
  • Develop skills in popular frameworks such as Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, and Seaborn, as well as web-based data visualization tools
  • Improve communication of data insights
  • Collaborate effectively with team members on data-related tasks

Project Manager 💼

  • Develop project coordination & management skills
  • Learn team facilitation & communication techniques
  • Understand project tracking & milestone management
  • Gain experience in stakeholder communication
  • Learn risk assessment
  • Organize team building events

How will the workshops work? 👨‍🏫

When we said we had lots of workshops prepared for you we were not joking (for once). It has always been our focus that our interns learn from experienced members of the community, whether they are individuals from Redlight or the extraordinary Nest community. Those workshops will cover a set of tools (programming languages, source control tooling, and others) and work techniques (design sprints and agile methodologies) that you will require for your project. As all interns participate in these workshops, developers will gain a deeper comprehension of their design counterparts, and vice versa!

Can’t spell Redlight without fun 🎮

RedLight is known for its inclusive and friendly culture, which is fully transmitted in the summer internships. You will share with us and the Nest community a remarkable space in downtown Coimbra, equipped with a ping-pong table, arcade games, a playstation (if you enjoy FIFA, you’re in for a treat), all kinds of snacks and drinks, and super comfortable sofas to rest after (or before) a long day at work.

In the evenings, we regularly organize barbecues and other events at Nest Collective, where you can socialize with the rest of the Nest community. In addition to these events, we’ll also arrange a celebration of the summer internships with special activities.

When and where 🗓

If you know RedLight well and have read this article very carefully, you’ll already know the answer to the latter!

  • Two months — End of June to the start of September
  • At RedLight’s offices at Nest Collective Downtown

Any change in the date or place of the internships will be duly informed on our social media or sent to the applicant’s emails. We will also have the flexibility to change dates depending on the availability of our interns.

I love it, how do I sign up? 🖊

The application process will be quick and straightforward. You’ll be invited to fill a form, allowing us to understand if your profile aligns with our goals. If that’s the case, you’ll be invited to come into our offices for an informal interview (this can also be done remotely if necessary). You’ll receive a small technical challenge to submit online if you stand out (Don’t panic, it’s nothing complex). Don’t worry about the lack of time or skills, we are very flexible 😇. We are looking for people with eagerness to learn new things, so being able to cultivate a new skill for this challenge may even score you a few points 👀.

The form will be open until the 10th of May, and you can access it here.

You guarantee your spot if you have the right profile and you’re a boss in both the interview and the challenge!

If you have any questions, email us at 💌

Thank you,

RedLight’s team

